1. 第 1 張投影片
  2. 第 2 張投影片
  3. 第 3 張投影片
  4. 第 4 張投影片


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本公司成立於1948年,主要是「播州」鐮刀的製造商和批發商, 以及利器的專業批發公司,長期以來一直與日本各地的五金零售商開展業務。



Japanese store

Customer Comments

An amazing value for what you get!

Actual Japanese blue steel for a fraction
Sure the handle wasn’t finished and the bolster isn’t metal but the actual blade full tang is legit Japanese blue powder steel and is a work horse of a blade coming from an executive chef of 10 years,

anthony moren

An amazing value for what you get!

this knife has been wonderful and it gives me a project to finish the finish of the walnut handle as well
Absolutely love it and highly recommend to any chef or home cook looking into Japanese chef knifes for their first chef knife.

anthony moren

Insane edge.

Amazing knife for the price, It's actually my first blue steel knife, My only other knife is a wusthof, took 20 mins to sharpen this baby, and I could cut boneless meat with a single stroke, vegetables effortlessly, and I actually cut the skin above my pointer finger simply by flipping the knife over so I can brush the food off my cutting board without dulling the edge, so definitely be careful.

Po hau

Insane edge.

The only one complain I have is that the top part of the steel isn't as rounded off as I would like, so I hurts after prepping for 2 hours with a pinch grip, but a good 5 mins with some 800/4000/16000 sandpaper solves that issue, the other thing I have issue with is the patina, and holy mama mia that reaction is super quick, you'll start seeing yellow looking stains while cutting so keep a towel handy but since this is my first blue steel japan knife, I could just be overreacting.

Po hau

This knife is sharp

I am no expert in this area and I've never owned any gyuto knife or anything fancy. Most knives I've owned was bought from wal mart or target but they get dull quickly and don't cut veggies well, even with sharpening kit. This time, I've decided to splurge on this one and ordered whetstone sharpening as well. Even without doing any sharpening, it is already super sharp right out of the box and had no trouble chopping onion, peppers, and garlics with ease, like cutting through the air. Going from walmart bought knife to this one is massive difference. It makes my cooking experience more pleasant and easier.

Joshua H. Clegg

Q & A

Q1. Can I pick up items at a hotel in Japan while I am in Japan??

Please contact the hotel where you plan to stay in Japan in advance, and if there are no problems, it will be possible.
In that case, if you purchase a product of US$100 or more, the shipping cost will free for you.
But, if you are unable to receive it depending on the hotel where you are staying, we will deduct the shipping fee and refund it.
If you have any questions, please contact us via chat or message.

Q2: Hello, I want to order to my country. Is that possible?

We can delivery to USA, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Mayotte, Monaco, Netherlands, Lithuania, Estonia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ireland, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Slovakia, Austria, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), Philippines, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, China.

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